Did you know I am almost 30? Yep, 30. Yikes, I don't like typing that. There was a time in my early 20's when I had young babies and people used to ask, "how old are you?" I'd tell them and their eyes' would get wide and they would say, "WOW! You are young." That used to annoy me. It made me self conscious and honestly it stopped me from putting self in new situations where others might wonder how old I was then judge me for it. Now, OMG I love telling people I'm still in my 20's! I guess that is what happens when you get older you
I've decided to take my new found confidence and turn it into something tangible. So I am going to blog again. I am hoping my darling hubby will help me get a real domaine name and a cool design to inspire me to keep blogging because you know how it is ladies, you get busy, there are endless soccer games to attend, mountains of laundry, dishes in the sink blah blah blah...... However, I think a nice pretty space to post my thoughts will keep me coming back.
So if you don't mind poor grammer, rambling and endless photos of my kids come on back and see what's going on in our Red Brick Colonial.
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