Tuesday, February 26, 2013

like cream...

last night, after i tucked my littles in and did the daily "put the house back together after tornado g & n," i read this--

The Grace of Now

it spoke to me and i thought i'd share.

happy tuesday.

Friday, February 22, 2013



sometimes i like to get up early, before the sun and my littles are awake and sneak downstairs for a "calm before the storm" moment.

when you have kids you have to get creative with stealing moments away for yourself. forgoing a little sleep for a peaceful moment with a cup of coffee and early morning news shows is my favorite but i most often settle for a shower with the door closed or two minutes alone in the laundry room (my kids are scared of the laundry room).

as i type, my quiet moment has passed. the kids are up, we made cinnamon roles and the soothing sounds of morning tv have been replaced by sponge bob.

happy friday.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

is it weird?

sometimes i daydream about moving my little family to a house with tons of land and an adjoining wooded area with a creek. we can raise chickens, build tree houses and be able to let the kiddos play outside by themselves while i watch from a kitchen window, sipping tea.

is that weird?

what do you daydream about?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

letting him be little


like i said before, we tried preschool with noah in september and it didn't work out. at first i was nervous about keeping him entertained every.single.day. without his sister. i don't know why i was nervous though, noah is nothing like gracie,  he doesn't need constant entertaining and honestly is most happy at home with his things.

i love our time together. it is reminiscent of the time i got to spend one on one with my sassy girl before noah was born. we don't do anything specific and really don't have a routine. we just go with the flow, making sure to spend lots of time snuggling and playing cars.

i am so happy i get this time with him because i know soon he won't really care to follow me around everywhere i go. so right now i am content to let him be little because soon he wont.